Deputy General Director for Science and Chief Geologist
IGT Group (IGT Service)
Andrey Chitalin - Chief geologist, deputy. General Director for Science, Institute of Geotechnologies LLC, Moscow. Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, specializing in geotectonics, senior researcher, and member of the Society of Economic Geologists (SEG), and International Association of Structural Geologists (IASG). He was awarded the “Field Discoverer” and “Excellence in Subsoil Exploration” badges. He worked in different regions of Russia and abroad, and was engaged in geological surveying, prospecting, assessment and exploration of ore deposits. He is a specialist in structural analysis. He has extensive experience studying and searching for porphyry copper and gold deposits. For 20 years he taught various geological disciplines and conducted educational practices for students at the Geological Faculty of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. Has more than 100 scientific publications
Using Earth Remote Sensing (ERS) data in geological targeting and prospecting for ore deposits. Pros and cons, illusions and realities.
Analiz mul'tispektral'nykh kosmicheskikh snimkov shiroko primenyayetsya pri poiskakh rudnykh mestorozhdeniy. Spetsialisty Gruppy IGT (Institut geotekhnologiy): OOO «IGT-servis», OOO «IGT Skay-Grupp», TOO «IGT Overseas» imeyut bol'shoy opyt obrabotki i ispol'zovaniya materialov DZZ pri geologicheskom targetirovanii i prognozno-poiskovykh rabotakh v razlichnykh regionakh RF i za rubezhom. V doklade pokazany primery vydeleniya spektral'nykh anomaliy razlichnoy geologicheskoy prirody, obsuzhdayutsya kriterii vydeleniya «rudnykh» anomaliy i otbrakovki lozhnykh anomaliy. Obsuzhdayetsya prognozno-poiskovaya effektivnost' mul'tispektral'nogo analiza, a takzhe vozmozhnosti i ogranicheniya yego primeneniya v regionakh, kharakterizuyushchikhsya raznoy stepen'yu zalesennosti i obnazhennosti korennykh porod. Gruppa IGT aktivno razvivayet napravleniye tsifrovogo geologicheskogo targetirovaniya i povysheniya veroyatnosti prognoza rasprostraneniya zon rudnoy mineralizatsii. Razrabatyvayemyy nashimi spetsialistami programmnyy kompleks GeoTarget sostoit iz neskol'kikh bazovykh moduley. Dlya avtomaticheskogo vydeleniya geologicheskikh mul'tispektral'nykh anomaliy ispol'zuyetsya programmnyy modul' SOVA (Spectral-Optical Vision Assistant). Mul'tispektral'nyy analiz kompleksiruyetsya s rezul'tatami avtomaticheskogo lineamentnogo analiza kosmicheskikh snimkov i tsifrovoy modeli rel'yefa (TSMR), vypolnyayemogo s ispol'zovaniyem modulya Lineament+, kotoryy rasshiryayet funktsional shiroko izvestnoy programmy LESSA. Obyazatel'nym usloviyem rezul'tativnogo ispol'zovaniya materialov DZZ yavlyayetsya kompleksnyy analiz geologicheskoy obstanovki proyavleniya anomaliy. Etot analiz vypolnyayetsya tol'ko opytnym geologom-ekspertom. Sledovaniye dannomu trebovaniyu yavlyayetsya klyuchevym faktorom snizheniya kolichestva vozmozhnykh zabluzhdeniy pri otsenke perspektiv izuchayemoy territorii. Pri izuchenii nekotorykh rudnykh ob"yektov nami bylo ustanovleno, chto anomalii odnikh i tekh zhe spektral'nykh indeksov mogut imet' razlichnoye proiskhozhdeniye; daleko ne vsegda ustanavlivayetsya ikh odnoznachnaya svyaz' s okolorudnymi metasomatitami. Vydeleniye okolorudnykh metasomatitov po spektral'nym indeksam nosit predpolozhitel'nyy, veroyatnostnyy kharakter. Vse vyyavlennyye «rudnyye» spektral'nyye anomalii i vydelyayemyye metasomatity neobkhodimo izuchit' v polevykh marshrutakh, ispol'zuya metody IK-spektrometrii dlya utochneniya mineral'nogo sostava metasomatitov i korrektirovki otkrytykh bibliotek spektral'nykh mineral'nykh indeksov.
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Analysis of multispectral space images is widely used in the search for ore deposits. Specialists of the IGT Group (Institute of Geotechnology): IGT-Service LLC, IGT Sky-Group LLC, IGT Overseas LLP have extensive experience in processing and using remote sensing materials in geological targeting and forecasting and prospecting work in various regions of the Russian Federation and abroad.
The report shows examples of identifying spectral anomalies of various geological nature, discusses the criteria for identifying "ore" anomalies and rejecting false anomalies. The forecasting and prospecting efficiency of multispectral analysis is discussed, as well as the possibilities and limitations of its application in regions characterized by varying degrees of forestation and exposure of bedrock.
The IGT Group is actively developing the direction of digital geological targeting and increasing the probability of predicting the spread of ore mineralization zones. The GeoTarget software package developed by our specialists consists of several basic modules. The SOVA (Spectral-Optical Vision Assistant) software module is used for automatic detection of geological multispectral anomalies. Multispectral analysis is combined with the results of automatic lineament analysis of space images and digital elevation models (DEMs) performed using the Lineament+ module, which expands the functionality of the well-known LESSA program.
A prerequisite for the effective use of remote sensing data is a comprehensive analysis of the geological environment where the anomalies occur. This analysis is performed only by an experienced geologist-expert. Compliance with this requirement is a key factor in reducing the number of possible misconceptions when assessing the prospects of the studied area.
When studying some ore objects, we found that anomalies of the same spectral indices can have different origins; their unambiguous connection with wallrock metasomatites is not always established. The identification of wallrock metasomatites by spectral indices is of a presumptive, probabilistic nature.
All identified “ore” spectral anomalies and identified metasomatites must be studied in field routes using IR spectrometry methods to clarify the mineral composition of metasomatites and adjust open libraries of spectral mineral indices.