Institute of Geotechnology LLC (IGT) was founded in 2003 and is the base brand of the IGT Group. Currently, the IGT Group includes "Institute of Geotechnology" LLC, "IGT-Service" LLC, "IGT-Sky Group" LLC, "IGT-Minerals" LLC, "IGT Overseas" LLP (Kazakhstan), and "Digital Geology" LLP (Kazakhstan). All enterprises are private, not affiliated with any state, financial or industrial group and, although all enterprises are related to subsoil exploration and prospecting, they operate in different technological areas. With the exception of "IGT-Minerals" LLC and "IGT Overseas" LLP, the rest of the Group's companies are residents of the Lomonosov Moscow State University Science Park, and "Digital Geology" LLP (Kazakhstan) is a member of the International Technological Park "Astana Hub" .
Our strengths are multidisciplinary qualifications and experience, the use of non-standard solutions, knowledge and successful use of the best global geological exploration practices obtained in the course of close cooperation with the world's leading mining, consulting and engineering companies. For more than 20 years of work, we have raised the bar in the culture and quality standards of field and office work and fulfillment of obligations to customers.
Today, IGT is a geological audit, geological design, complexes of remote methods, including specialized processing of space images and the results of filming by our own unmanned aircraft, development, implementation and implementation of the most modern methods of prospecting and exploration for solid minerals (SMF) in field and office conditions. A separate area of our activity is the development and implementation of specialized software for solving problems of prospecting and exploration.
We have a wide geography of completed projects. We carry out comprehensive work on geological support of the most complex prospecting and exploration projects in Russia and abroad. Our team of specialists has organized and implemented prospecting, exploration and consulting work in Chukotka, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Buryatia, Tuva, the Komi Republic, Arkhangelsk and Magadan regions, Kamchatka, Khabarovsk and Zabaikalsky Krai of Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, Mongolia, Peru and other regions for various types of minerals - gold, silver, copper, molybdenum, tin, tungsten, coal. Depending on the specific work and customer requirements, IGT analyzes their raw material base, provides recommendations for verification and updating of reserves, prepares databases and three-dimensional geological and mathematical models of reserves and resources, develops concepts and strategies for project development, organizes and performs qualification of resources and reserves in Russian (State Reserves Committee of the Russian Federation) and international (JORC, NI 43-101, etc.) formats.
Our contacts
119234, Russia, Moscow, Leninskie Gory street, 1, building 77
Tel.: +7 (495) 246-85-54
Mobile phone: +7 (916) 841-44-99 (Whatsapp)
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