Dmitriy Belitser
Senior Geologist
CMT Consulting
Total experience in the mining industry - over 11 years.
The list of core competencies includes: geological modeling, quality control (QAQC), assessment of Mineral Resources in accordance with international standards, support of geological exploration, field geological studies, documentation of drill core.
Professional experience includes geological support of mining operations, development of drilling programs, preparation of mineral resource models and grade control, development of mining plans, reconciliation of reserves, preparation of reports within various projects.
In the CMT company, he performs geological modeling, participates in the preparation of reports in accordance with Russian and international standards (CPR, Feasibility Study, Pre-Feasibility Study, Due Diligence), audits of coal, gold, iron deposits, assessments of completed geological exploration work and assessments of Mineral Resources.
Typical errors in the preparation of mineralization models. Their consequences and ways of prevention.
The report is devoted to the most frequent errors in geological modeling, the consequences of these errors for production and measures to prevent them