Kseniia Antashchuk


Chief Expert of the prospecting methods and geological data processing

Graduated from St. Petersburg University in 2009, main specialization - deep electrical exploration. Specialized in AMT, CSAMT, MT, CSEM methods for solving ore, prospecting and mapping problems, was engaged in data processing and interpretation, participated in the development of new technologies. During her work at the Karpinsky Institute, among other things, she supervised the development and implementation of unmanned EM technologies. With Polyus since 2023. The scope of responsibilities includes geophysical support of forecast work, planning and control of geophysical work at the prospecting stage, interpretation of the results obtained, search for new technological solutions.

DigiTech session 3 - Airborne Geophysical Surveys: The Key to Future Discoveries in Kazakhstan
10 April 2025 / 14:00 - 15:30 | Sary Arka 3

Geophysical exploration for gold deposits.

The report will present some results of geophysical work in areas promising for the discovery of gold ore deposits. An assessment of the effectiveness of the geophysical work performed will be given and ways to improve it will be noted.